[evlatests] EVLA Operations Tests

Bryan Butler bbutler at nrao.edu
Mon Aug 22 17:15:09 EDT 2005

On 8/22/05 15:01, Pat Van Buskirk wrote:
> We created a new obs file from our two-hour pointing file and attempted
> to convert it with obs2script. Our obs file had a blank line at the end
> of the file which caused a "file not found" error. We eliminated the
> blank line from the obs file and successfully converted and executed the
> file. Could obs2script ignore blank lines, perhaps?

yes, it could be taught to do that.

> Obs2script also converted the date incorrectly, setting the julian date
> one day earlier than current. Did we do something wrong, or is this a bug?

that shouldn't happen.  please send me the details on just how the file 
was created - what scripts were run, what inputs were used, etc..., and 
i'll try to figure out what went wrong.  also, if you could send me the 
actual file that was created (or a pointer to it, anyway), that had the 
wrong days in it, that would help in making sure i'm recreating just 
what happened.


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