[daip] [!9991]: AIPS - FITLD of VLBA files to maintain Antennas

Eric Greisen nraohelp at nrao.edu
Wed Mar 8 13:08:15 EST 2017

Eric Greisen updated #9991

FITLD of VLBA files to maintain Antennas

           Ticket ID: 9991
                 URL: https://help.nrao.edu/staff/index.php?/Tickets/Ticket/View/9991
           Full Name: Tracy Clarke
               Email: tracy.clarke at nrl.navy.mil
             Creator: User
          Department: AIPS Data Reduction
       Staff (Owner): Eric Greisen
                Type: Issue
              Status: Open
            Priority: Default
                 SLA: NRAO E2E
      Template Group: Default
             Created: 07 March 2017 01:34 AM
             Updated: 08 March 2017 06:08 PM
      Resolution Due: 15 March 2017 01:34 AM (6d 7h 26m)

The concatenation question is a non-starter - when concatenating it has to use the antenna numbers assigned in the existing data set and perhaps add some if needed.  You can use this option, but you must always use the option so that all data sets on disk will have a uniform naming/numbering set.  If you want me to set up a special string e.g. VLITE to mean an appropriate list of names let me know and point me at a sample IDI file.


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