[daip] GREYS help file.

R. Craig Walker cwalker at nrao.edu
Fri May 6 16:01:31 EDT 2016

INVER is not in the GREYS top section so it doesn't appear when you type

INVER is in the HELP section (star file version) and it seems to get checked.

If you set INVER=-1  (like you might for LWPLA to get only one PL file),
GREYS dies with INVER out of range, which is confusing because it doesn't
show up in the inputs.



    R. Craig Walker            Scientist Emeritus
    1305 Vista Dr.             Array Operations Center
    Socorro NM  87801  USA     National Radio Astronomy Observatory
    cwalker at nrao.edu           P.O. Box O
    Phone  575 835 3972        Socorro, NM 87801  USA
                               575 835 7247

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