[daip] [!6280]: AIPS - Dispersive delay fitting in AIPS

Adam Deller do-not-reply at nrao.edu
Mon May 11 07:55:00 EDT 2015

Adam Deller updated #6280

Dispersive delay fitting in AIPS

           Ticket ID: 6280
                 URL: https://help.nrao.edu/staff/index.php?/Tickets/Ticket/View/6280

Hi Eric,

So would you like me to obtain a small LOFAR test dataset with as wide-band coverage as possible?  I should be able to get my hands on some data which has something like 120-168 MHz covered in 16x3 MHz IFs.  Hopefully that is sufficient coverage to resolve the phase ambiguities.  There will be no PC information with LOFAR data, but as far as I have seen there are no peculiar phase offsets between adjacent LOFAR subbands.  How long would you want? 5 minutes of data, or half and hour, or longer?  The datasets are kind of big because there are a lot of stations.


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