[daip] AIPS text version woes

Michael Bietenholz mbieten at yorku.ca
Thu Jul 30 12:02:35 EDT 2015

What a mess!  Given what seems to be the general flakiness of 
gfortran, I wonder if one really should make it all work
in some particular version of gfortran, since it seems pretty
likely it will break with the next version.

I'll poke around at HartRAO to see what versions of gfortran
are around there.

Not respecting the "fno-automatic" seems like a fairly serious
bug - the existence of the compiler flag suggests that people
other AIPS use this feature.  Unless that were a particular bug
in 4.4.7 which subsequently got fixed, although you'd think
there would be reference to that around and likely a fix
in the redhat version.....


> The version of gfortran that comes with RedHat 6 (4.4.7) does not honor this. 
> I would swear that Y2K worked with 4.4.7 at some point but it
> does not do so now.  Presumably there are many unSAVEd variables hidden away.
> In desperation I tried 4.8.3 which we have.  I established previously that 
> this compiler cannot do dynamic allocation of the pseudo-AP and needs to back 
> off on APCLN optimization.  But apparently it does work otherwise including 
> honoring -fno-automatic (I did my UVMOD test) although none of the help 
> information will admit to this option.  I replaced -Wall with -Wunused to 
> stop it from complaining every time we write
>  I = X + 0.1
> -Wuninitialized does not seem to do anything even if I omit -fno-automatic.
> We have 4.9.2 and 5.1.0 - maybe I should try those while I am at it.
> Cheers
> Eric Greisen

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