[daip] [!6045]: aips - AIPS at AOC node, from remote Windows computer, by Linux newbee

Robert H Gray do-not-reply at nrao.edu
Mon Jan 26 10:40:00 EST 2015

Robert H Gray updated #6045

AIPS at AOC node, from remote Windows computer, by Linux newbee

           Ticket ID: 6045
                 URL: https://help.nrao.edu/staff/index.php?/Tickets/Ticket/View/6045
           Full Name: Robert H Gray
               Email: roberthansengray at gmail.com
             Creator: User
          Department: AIPS Data Processing
       Staff (Owner): -- Unassigned --
                Type: Issue
              Status: Open
            Priority: Default
                 SLA: NRAO E2E
      Template Group: Default
             Created: 26 January 2015 03:39 PM
             Updated: 26 January 2015 03:39 PM
                 Due: 28 January 2015 03:40 PM (2d 0h 0m)
      Resolution Due: 03 February 2015 03:40 PM (8d 0h 0m)


This sounds like a hopeless venture (and feels that way after a week of struggling), but I would appreciate any guidance you can provide!  Especially, some examples or a pointer to someone who might have done this successfully in the past... I have not found anything in AOC documentation.

Logged in from a Windows machine under Windows XP SP3
using PuTTY ssh emulator, username= nm-7005 password=g0g0g0g0

1.	Starting AIPS, I get a repeated cycle of “nm-7005 at gygax's password:” to which I respond “g0g0g0g0”, and “AIPS 1: Enter user ID number” to which I respond “1111”, and this continues for about four repeats...
2.	AIPS does not echo my keystrokes once it does start up –how to fix that?
3.	Can you tell me how to get AIPS to present a TV console from a remote Windows XP machine?  I have tried installing Xming which (with X11 Forwarding Enabled on the Windows machine) pops up an xterm window when I issue the command ‘xterm’ without any parameters, but usually the prompt never comes back and issues message “Cannot convert string "nil2" to type FontStruct” and does NOT return to a prompt until cntl-C is issued.

Thanks for any help you can provide!  I know that remote access from a Windows machine is not the standart procedure, and fear it may not be workable, but any guidance you can provide would be terrific!  I'm pasting in the session log below.

Best wishes,  Bob Gray VLA/14B-292

login as: nm-7005
 National Radio Astronomy Observatory computing facilities are exclusively
  for the use of authorized personnel, who are expected to abide by the
     terms of the NRAO Computing Security and Computing Use Policies.
nm-7005 at ssh.aoc.nrao.edu's password:
Last login: Sun Jan 25 09:22:20 2015 from 108-67-134-193.lightspeed.cicril.sbcgl                              obal.net

                     National Radio Astronomy Observatory
                              Authorized use only

                  NRAO Gold Book at http://www.nrao.edu/gold

gygax$ ssh nm-7005 at nmpost023
 National Radio Astronomy Observatory computing facilities are exclusively
  for the use of authorized personnel, who are expected to abide by the
     terms of the NRAO Computing Security and Computing Use Policies.

     In addition, this host must be reserved by the cluster resource
            manager, Torque, in order to be used interactively.

                     National Radio Astronomy Observatory
                              Authorized use only

                  NRAO Gold Book at http://www.nrao.edu/gold

nmpost023$ cd data/VGR1/14B-292_sb30006555_1.57039.57904416666/ASDMBinary/
nmpost023$ pwd
/lustre/aoc/observers/nm-7005/data/VGR1/14B-292_sb30006555_1.57039.57904416666/A                              SDMBinary
nmpost023$ aips

You have a choice of 21 printers.  These are:

    No. [ type  ] Description
     1. [     PS] Room 324 PostScript printer two-sided
     2. [     PS] Room 324 PostScript printer one-sided
     3. [     PS] Network PostScript printer two-sided
     4. [     PS] Network PostScript printer one-sided
     5. [PS-CMYK] Xerox colour Rm 324 two-sided
     6. [PS-CMYK] Xerox colour Rm 324 one-sided
     7. [PS-CMYK] New Tektronix colour printer (aoc213c/dup)
     8. [PS-CMYK] New Tektronix colour printer (aoc213c)
     9. [     PS] ALMA hallway printer (pswest)
    10. [PS-CMYK] Color PS Rm 324, overheads (aoc324c)
    11. [PS-CMYK] New Color PS printer, overheads (aoc213c)
    12. [     PS] VLBA OPS printer (psv1)
    13. [     PS] F.Owen printer (aoc320/dup)
    14. [     PS] Data analysts printer (psda)
    15. [     PS] Room 278 printer (pstim)
    16. [     PS] Room 332 (Miller Goss)
    17. [PREVIEW] Sun OpenWindows previewer
    18. [PREVIEW] GNU Ghostview X-windows previewer
    19. [     PS] VLA PostScript printer one-sided
    20. [     PS] VLA PostScript printer duplex
    21. [     PS] VLA PostScript printer transparency

START_AIPS: Enter your choice, or the word QUIT [default is 3]:
START_AIPS: Your initial AIPS printer is the Network PostScript printer two-side                              d
START_AIPS:  - system name aoc213/dup, AIPS type PS

START_AIPS: User data area assignments:
DADEVS.PL: This program is untested under Perl version 5.010
  (Using COAOARN-specific default file /home/AIPS/DA00/DADEVS.LIST.COAOARN for D                              ADEVS.PL)
   Disk 1 (1) is /lustre/aoc/observers/nm-7005/AIPS_1

Tape assignments:
   Tape 1 is REMOTE
   Tape 2 is REMOTE

START_AIPS: I am GUESSING you are at a workstation called gygax
START_AIPS: Checking if gygax is reachable via ssh...
nm-7005 at gygax's password:
START_AIPS: Yes it is.  Telling gygax to start VERSION=TST
START_AIPS: TV servers asynchronously with INET Socket...
START_AIPS: ******************************************************
START_AIPS: IF THIS FAILS, start AIPS yourself by hand on gygax.
START_AIPS: ******************************************************
START_AIPS: Starting TPMON daemons on NMPOST023 asynchronously...
DADEVS.PL: This program is untested under Perl version 5.010
================================  AIPS NEWS  ===============================

2009-12-02     TST is 31DEC10
               NEW is 31DEC09
               OLD is 31DEC08

2008-10-22     There is a not-so-new way to kill and restart
               the TPMON programs.  It is
               which may be run by anyone from any account.

2000-06-15  The aips account is no longer accessible to users.
            AIPS_ROOT is /home/AIPS.  Visitors will be assigned
            temporary visitor accounts with full AIPS access.

  The remaining members of the AIPS group can be contacted directly by
  email to daip at nrao.edu.  The contact people in Socorro are Amy
  Mioduszewski and Eric Greisen, backed up by Leonia Kogan.
  In Charlottesville, the contact person is Pat Murphy.


   * The ~aips/USERS area is intended to be used for small, temporary   *
   * files only. Do not store FITS files or other large data files in   *
   * this area. Such files will be deleted without warning.             *
   * **DO NOT** put any personal files in the /home/AIPS area; they     *
   * will be removed as soon as they are detected.  Create a readily    *
   * recognizable directory in ~aips/USERS/  e.g. ~aips/USERS/<login>   *
   * and put things there.  Note that this area is also not for long-   *
   * term storage; anything important should be kept on your personal   *
   * account.    OLD FILES ARE DELETED WITHOUT WARNING.                 *

 National Radio Astronomy Observatory computing facilities are exclusively
  for the use of authorized personnel, who are expected to abide by the
     terms of the NRAO Computing Security and Computing Use Policies.
nm-7005 at gygax's password: Starting up 31DEC15 AIPS with normal priority
Begin the one true AIPS number 1 (release of 31DEC15) at priority =   0
 ZMSGOP: FILE DA01:MSD001000.001;      NOT FOUND
AIPS 1: You are assigned TV device/server 160
AIPS 1: You are assigned graphics device/server 160
 ZMSGOP: FILE DA01:MSD001000.001;      NOT FOUND
AIPS 1: Enter user ID number
?AIPS 1:                          31DEC15 AIPS:
AIPS 1:      Copyright (C) 1995-2015 Associated Universities, Inc.
AIPS 1:            AIPS comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
AIPS 1:                 for details, type HELP GNUGPL
AIPS 1: This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
AIPS 1: under certain conditions; type EXPLAIN GNUGPL for details.
AIPS 1: Previous session command-line history *not* recovered.
AIPS 1: TAB-key completions enabled, type HELP READLINE for details.
AIPS 1: Loading a brand new POPS vocabulary

>Permission denied, please try again.
nm-7005 at gygax's password: AIPS 1: SYMBOL?       G0G0G0G0
Permission denied, please try again.
nm-7005 at gygax's password: AIPS 1: SYMBOL?       G0G0G0G0
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password).
>AIPS 1: Catalog on disk  1
AIPS 1:  Cat Usid Mapname      Class   Seq  Pt     Last access      Stat
>>>>AIPS 1: Catalog on disk  1
AIPS 1:  Cat Usid Mapname      Class   Seq  Pt     Last access      Stat
>AIPS 1: SYMBOL?       PWD
>AIPS 1: Disk Volume name              Total Full       Free Timd Access
AIPS 1:  #                           Mbytes    %     Mbytes days
AIPS 1:  1  <vers/nm-7005/AIPS_1  638201344   91   59625192   14 Alluser
>AIPS 1: Disk Volume name              Total Full       Free Timd Access
AIPS 1:  #                           Mbytes    %     Mbytes days
AIPS 1:  1  <vers/nm-7005/AIPS_1  638201344   91   59625192   14 Alluser
>AIPS 1: Catalog on disk  1
AIPS 1:  Cat Usid Mapname      Class   Seq  Pt     Last access      Stat

Staff CP:  https://help.nrao.edu/staff

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