[daip] [!7120]: AIPS - AIPS data area assignment

Eric Greisen do-not-reply at nrao.edu
Thu Aug 20 13:29:51 EDT 2015

Eric Greisen updated #7120

       Staff (Owner): Eric Greisen (was: -- Unassigned --)
              Status: Closed (was: Open)
                 Due: - Cleared - (was: 24 August 2015 05:11 PM)

AIPS data area assignment

           Ticket ID: 7120
                 URL: https://help.nrao.edu/staff/index.php?/Tickets/Ticket/View/7120

On the nmpost machines you are expected to set up your own
data areas for AIPS and the include a file in your $HOME area
called .dadevs.always (note the dot at the start).  This file has
a special format - in col 1 a + or - then 2 blanks and then the
path to the data area.  In that data area you need to create a 0-byte
file called SPACE over which you and your group have rw access.

An example from my .dadevs.always is

+  /lustre/aoc/users/egreisen/AIPS/LUSTRE_1
-  /lustre/aoc/users/egreisen/AIPS/LUSTRE_2

The + makes the _1 area always my aips disk 1.

I am disturbed that this was not explained to you when you were
granted the nmpost access.

Eric Greisen

Staff CP:  https://help.nrao.edu/staff

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