[daip] Not Redhat - Mac OS 10.6.8 OS

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Fri Oct 3 17:19:09 EDT 2014

On 10/03/2014 02:37 PM, Stockdale, Christopher wrote:
> I've run top.
> About a total of 4-5% being used by everything other than AIPS.
> When I ask for an INP of of task there is no increased CPU usage.
> I've checked the DADEVS.LIST and the the data area is there with a + in
> front.
> Also, when I kleenex, there is a hang and things don't die right.  I have to
> kill -9 them, including AIPS and all of the windows that were spawned.

The tool I was thinking about is found by clicking Applications then 
Utilities and selecting Activity Monitor.

The kill -9 is bad - try opening the TV window and hitting Esc in the 
window.  The kill -9 leaves the shared memory in use and eventually you 
run out of memory without a re-boot.

Do you start aips simply with the command "aips" or do you use
"aips tv=local" ?  If the former, there could be something dicey in your 
internet connection to yourself.  That would cause issues with the TV 
and the message server.  I suppose if the latter that there could be 
issues with the Unix sockets, but that seems unlikely.


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