[daip] AIPS run file peculiarity

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Tue Nov 25 12:39:46 EST 2014

On 11/24/2014 08:40 AM, Leah Morabito wrote:
> Dear Eric,
> While I can successfully load and execute the attached AIPS run file,
> when it is printing out the inputs for the task, it waits for a carriage
> return to finish printing the rest of the inputs. I have set DOCRT -1
> and do not have any idea why this is not working.  Do you have any
> ideas, or anything I could do to try to determine what the problem is?
> Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this issue!
> cheers,
> Leah
> --
> Leah Morabito
> PhD Candidate, Leiden Observatory
> tel. +31(0)71 527 6424 / +31(0)63 444 4182
> morabito at strw.leidenuniv.nl <mailto:morabito at strw.leidenuniv.nl>

I took a look at the file and it is clear what is happening.
You have a run file to compile procedures, but then you run those 
procedures in normal interactive mode.  The code traps an inputs 
executed while running a RUN file (or batch or ...) but it cannot handle 
this.  I guess we will have to add an adverb to INPUTS and INP to skip 
the page full stuff if the user really wants to.

Eric Greisen

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