[daip] Calibration files for old VLBA experiments

Miguel Pérez-Torres mapereztorres at gmail.com
Wed Jul 23 07:54:06 EDT 2014

Dear Lorant, 

First of all, apologies if this doesn't apply to you, in which case I'd appreciate if you let me know whom should I get in contact with. 

I'm working on a paper on Mrk231, and I downloaded a VLBA dataset taken on 13 Nov 1995 (experiment code BU006). The data looks quite well, but unfortunately the dataset lacks all  calibration-related information. I've tried to get it from the ftp site and from internet, but without success. 

I'd be grateful if you could help me in getting the calibration info for this experiment.
In view that this seems to apply to oldd experiments (older than April 1999?), it could be good to put the calibration info in some repository.

Thanks in advance!

- Miguel 

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