[daip] USUBA issue.

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Wed Dec 4 17:11:19 EST 2013

Craig Walker wrote:
> I am testing USUBA and APCAL.
> I am using a data set that I used before.  I deleted all CL and SN 
> tables and AN tables 2 and 3.USUBA ran ok.  Therefore the fix that 
> allowed some antennas to not be there seems to have worked.   After 
> USUBA, INDXR ran ok.  The subarrays show up in a LISTR SCAN listing.  I 
> tried running VPLOT on each subarray separately, and it looks 
> reasonable.  Subarray=-1 looks reasonable with many more points than the 
> 3 individual subarray.  I then tried applying CL 1.  That looks ok with 
> a specific subarray chosen, but not with subarray=-1.  That is probably 
> a "feature" and I can sort of imagine why it is there, even though in 
> this case, it is not too desirable.
> Then the fun started.  I ran VLBACALA.  The SN table from ACCOR looks 
> like it contains all subarrays.  But the CL table only contains subarray 
> 1, so somewhere in SNSMO and CLCAL, only one subarray was processed.  If 
> I run VLBACALA separately for each subarray, VLBACALA clearly tries to 
> merge the results, but fails.
> Also, it looks like APCAL does not process stations that do not have GC 
> and/or WX data, so my foreign stations disappear.  Thus to really make 
> all this work, I have to cobble gain and weather data somehow.
> VLBACALA, when dealing with the multiple subarrays, does get confused in 
> its messages about the CL tables.  My run for subarray 2 claimed at the 
> end that CL 5 contained the gain corrections, right after claiming that 
> it was trying to merge the results into CL 4.  There are only 4 CL 
> tables.  CL4 is sparsely populated both in that it contains a smallish 
> number of scans - only subarray 2 - and the points are spaced widely in 
> time - more like the SN table than something influenced by the CL table.
> I've run out of time today.  But the conclusion seems to be the USUBA 
> works with the incompletely populated AN table (loaded with VLBA 
> numbering with 2 antennas missing).  And APCAL runs on those data.  But 
> VLBACALA is not really working for the subarray 0 case.

I don't know why you would expect VLBACALA to work - VLBAUTIL is for 
"simple" VLBA-only experiments - multiple subarrays and foreign antennas 
do reduce the simplicity a lot.

I need a data set to work on - one that has not seen USUBA yet. 
Unfortunately, USUBA works in place so it destroys any chance to test 
further.  Can you get me one or point at a file to FITLD or ??



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