[daip] Simulating spectral line data

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Wed Aug 28 17:29:27 EDT 2013

Andy Biggs wrote:
> Dear daip. I'm trying to detect an emission line by stacking the spectra 
> of many sources detected in a wide-field dataset. I would like to 
> simulate some data as a check on my stacking procedure. I would 
> therefore like to add, preferably to a u,v dataset although to an image 
> cube would also work, multiple sources that are located at multiple 
> positions, but crucially in different channels. It seems that UVMOD will 
> not allow me to do this as the bchan and echan adverbs will just copy 
> out the requested channel. Is there a relatively easy way to do this in 
> AIPS? Or would I need to be chopping datasets up and reassembling them?
> Cheers,
> Andy

14217.  August 28, 2013             SPMOD                 Eric
         NEW TASK: This is a version of UVMOD designed to put models in
         a spectral-line data set.  Each component has the usual
         spatial parameters, but also a central channel and channel
         width of the Guassian spectral line.  The RR and LL
         polarizations are allowed to be different and components may
         be positive or negative.
         Moved nowhere.

shouild be available in tomorrow's MNJ.


Eric Greisen

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