[daip] outprint from bdflist?

Christopher Hales chales at nrao.edu
Mon Aug 26 19:23:21 EDT 2013

I'd like to print the output from bdflist to a text file, but whenever I 
set docrt to -1 I find that no output is produced.


Is this a bug, or am I doing something silly?

Minimal (non-)working example. Assume FILE is in sdmbdf format.

aips pr=18
default bdflist
outprint 'log.txt'
dowait 1
docrt -1
asdmfile 'FILE'

If I set docrt to 1 then I get the normal output to screen.

Separate question: how to I specify to AIPS that I want the BDFLIST log 
and run files to go to a specific location, rather than $HOME?

Thank you.


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