[daip] please, help!

Amy Mioduszewski amiodusz at nrao.edu
Thu Nov 15 12:42:36 EST 2012

Hi Vladimir,

I am puzzled, what ****** usually means is that the number is too big for the 
"format" used to print it.  But if you used DPARM=0 in PRTUV then the default 
limit on the weights are 0.11-9.9, so they never should be too big.  Are these 
weights including the calibration?  Looks like you used the 2001 version of AIPS 
to reduce 0528+134 and 2003 to reduce 1055+018, is that right, but now you have 
a 2012 version of AIPS.  You can try plotting the weights in UVPLT, then you 
might have an idea what the weights actually are.


Vladimir Shoutenkov wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> there are two sources: 0528+134 and 1055+018. The first one have been
> calibrated in 2007, the second one - in 2011.
> For the second source It's OK. But for the first source task PRTUV gives
> wrong "Wt":
> Source= 0528+134    Freq=   4.975458609    Sort= TB           1   RR
> 1   LL             1   RL             1   LR
>   Vis #     IAT      Ant  Su Fq U(klam) V(klam) W(klam)   Amp  Phas
> Wt   Amp  Phas     Wt   Amp  Phas     Wt   Amp  Phas     Wt
>       1  0/08:12:46  5- 6  1  0   65047   35387  -36338   1.272
> -4*******   1.275  -4*******   0.092 -46*******   0.051 -63*******
> Can you tell me what is a problem? Is it possible to do something?
> Thank you in advance.
> Vladimir Shoutenkov,
> Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory, Russia.
> P.S. The output lists for these sources are in attachment.
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