[daip] AIPS install error

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Thu May 3 10:59:43 EDT 2012

須藤広志 wrote:
> Dear Sirs,
> I am writing to enquire if it would be 
> possible to answer a problem of binary
> installing AIPS (31DEC12).
> Just after the MNJ started, the installing 
> process stops with error messages (see the
> file 'error_aips_install.txt').
> As the message said, I tried to run FILAIP,
> but it did not work due to the DADEVS.PL error.
> (data disks seem to be established, see the
> file 'DADEVS.LIST') .
> My OS is VINE Linux 6 (Japanese LINUX based on
> REDHAT), Kernel-, with VMware player
> on Win7.
> The file .AIPSRC is also attatched.
> If you have any questions or need other detail 
> information, please let me know.
> I should be very happy if I could use the newest
> AIPS as soon as possible.

Thank you for all this information - it makes it easier to debug the
problems.  First, the issue with not being able to run FILAIP comes from
the fact that you requested the installation to be as if on a single
computer (LAPTOP="YES").  This means that, so far as AIPS is concerned,
your machine is named LOCALHOST not GIFU.  The DADEVS file sets up disk
areas but only for the computer GIFU.  There are several ways to fix
this (do only one of them):
1. Change that choice - edit $AIPS_ROOT/LOGIN.{CSH,SH} (2 files) to set
the YES to NO in each file.  In this case the directory (folder) named
$AIPS_ROOT/DA00 must have a directory for GIFU.
2. Change DADEVS.LIST as attached, make sure that $AIPS_ROOT/DA00 has a
directory named LOCALHOST (it can be a link file [ln -s] to GIFU), and
then there need to be link files (ln -s) of each LOCALHOST file in
DADEVS.LIST to the corresponding GIFU data directories.
3.  Change your current DADEVS.LIST file by making the minus signs in
column 1 be plus signs.  This makes all of the data areas required for
all computers.

Then you can
6 2
and one more carriage return (Enter key)

The failure to set up the MNJ is more mysterious.
MAKE.BMNJ - cvs needs to be primed by a login operation; this
MAKE.BMNJ - is also a good time to test and make sure you can
MAKE.BMNJ - connect to our server. We will now try to login to
MAKE.BMNJ - the server (mnj.aoc.nrao.edu); when prompted for
MAKE.BMNJ - a password, just hit the enter or return key.
Logging in to :pserver:anoncvs at mnj.aoc.nrao.edu:2401/home/aipssrc/cvs
CVS password:
cvs login: authorization failed: server mnj.aoc.nrao.edu rejected access
to /home/aipssrc/cvs for user anoncvs

source LOGIN.CSH      (or . LOGIN.SH)

and when you are prompted for a password simply hit the Enter (carriage
return) key.  Do not type anything else.
Let's see if that works with another try.

Eric Greisen

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