[daip] FITLD for different digitizers

Leonia Kogan lkogan at nrao.edu
Mon Mar 19 23:40:27 EDT 2012

where alfa is slope of.... (see memo #12)

The FITLD codes includes the following line:
IF (CORREL(:4) .NE. 'DIFX')  SATUR =...

Therefore SATUR = 1 if correlator is DIFX !!!!

But if CORREL(:4) .NE. 'DIFX' even if the correlator is DIFX
then SATUR may be different.
I'll discuss this with Walter here.


Dr Michael Bietenholz wrote:
> I think that FITLD is *supposed* to apply different corrections depending
> whether the data were correlated with DiFX or the old hardware correlators.
> However, I don't think that is what FITLD is *actually* doing.  As far as
> I can tell, even though my data  was correlated by DiFX, FITLD is actually
> applying the old hardwared-correlator corrections ie. 0.3442 for x-corrs
> and 0.2739 for auto-corrs.
>              michael
>> FITLD takes care about the difference in saturation effect for DIFX and
>> "old" correlator. By the way, the saturation effect at the "old"
>> correlator depends on the number of polarization and this effect is
>> treated at FITLD also. As a result the mean value of the auto
>> correlation spectrum must be near 1 for both old and DIFX correlator.
>> The deviation off 1 is explained by the error at the digitizers and
>> therefore can be applied to cross correlation to correct for this error.

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