[daip] (no subject)

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Thu Jul 26 16:31:16 EDT 2012

sudip chakraborty wrote:
> Respected Sir,
>                      Currently i am working on a data analysis with
> aips.After creating a flag file which is pretty large when i am trying
> to apply calib, msg server is saying: "too many flags at same
> time(>6000),use uvcop to apply the Fg table."
> I am unable to understand the process of doing it.So if you can send
> me some help i will be very obliged

First - please always include some aips identifiable subject.  We get 
many spam messages each day and I would normally delete any with a blank 
subject line.  For some reason I checked this time...

The application of flag information requires tables large enough to hold 
the information needed to flag a specific time.  Since this is Fortran, 
those tables must have a pre-determined upper limit and that is (or was) 
6000 flags in most tasks.  Special tasks are compiled with much larger 
tables.  UVCOP allows you to copy the UV data with FLAGVER set to the 
version of the flag table that needs to be applied and with almost all 
other adverbs (BIF, EIF, SOURCES, etc etc) set to 0 or blank.

This applies the flags once and for all so it is important to ask why 
there are so many.  Tasks like RFLAG and other semi-automatic flagging 
tasks used on EVLA data can make very many flags if there are many 
spectral channels and IFs (spectral windows).  Note that few people use 
the option in CALIB to create flags and there is no way that it should 
make more than a few flags to apply to any one time.

Do waht the error message says: run UVCOP on your data set applying the 
flag table and then re-run CALIB on the output of UVCOP.

Eric Greisen

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