[daip] EVLA and CVEL

Alet De Witt aletdewitt at webmail.co.za
Wed Sep 28 09:23:19 EDT 2011

Good day!

I please need some help with old evla L band spectral line, maser data. I have created single source SPLIT files. Doppler tracking was not used at the time of observation in 2007.

I thus need to run CVEL, but I am not sure what the inputs should be. The original setup for the observations was restfrequency 1665.402 and LSR velocity of the source observed -7.4 km/s.

Looking at the data I have  channel 64 at 1665.54278.  If I check the online doppler tool with the coordinates of the source  and day of observations and velocity of source (-7.4km/s ),  I get the same frequency (1665.54278)  as output.

I know that I have to set aparm(1-6) to make the corrections, but I am not sure exactly which values should go where? I keep on getting warnings of large channel shifts.

Could you please assist me in this regard.

Thanks you!!

Alet de Witt

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