[daip] Installing aips on a mac

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Thu Sep 8 11:30:29 EDT 2011

Victor Migenes wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Yes, I know .... another question!
> I am trying to install aips on a mac laptop (brand new). I have not
> been able to just following the instructions on the aips webpage. Do
> you have some sort of step-by-step instructions for how to accomplish
> this? Any help will be appreciated.

There is nothing special about Macs these days.  You simply copy 
install.pl from the ftp site and then put it where you want AIPS_ROOT to 
be.  Then type

     perl install.pl -n

and answer the questions.  I can provide more help if I know what has 
gone wrong.  Do not try a text installation unless you absolutely need 
to write your own AIPS tasks.

There is a detailed guide to install.pl at
but you may well not need it.  There will be a couple of system things 
you probably will need to do - adding inet socket numbers to 
/etc/services.  On Macs this is easy
    cp /etc/services .
    edit services following instructions in the install docs
    sudo cp services /etc
and enter your password.

Try this and send error messages if they occur.

Eric Greisen

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