[daip] New Staff Reply - [!GJU-242789]: Extension Tables after loading archival EVLA data with AIPS

Bryan Butler do-not-reply at nrao.edu
Tue Oct 18 10:13:01 EDT 2011

New Staff Reply: Extension Tables after loading archival EVLA data with AIPS

BDF2AIPS only works on raw SDM+BDF files, it will not work on a UVFITS file, which is what you have.  if you would like your data in SDM+BDF format you must put in a separate request for that (put in a new helpdesk ticket).

however, the only tangible benefit of using BDF2AIPS is that you will end up with an SY table, which cannot be created by other means (as eric says, the NX and CL tables can be created with INDXR).  i would urge caution in applying SY table corrections, however, as there are a number of problems with that, including increasing the noise of the data (because the system power measurements themselves are noisy), incorrect values in the SY table (because we still have some incorrect Tcal data in the system), and a pesky problem with compression that only affects power data and not visibility data.  this is why we don't include that correction as a part of every data retrieval automatically.

you should be able to proceed with your data reduction just fine with what you have already.

-bryan butler
 scientist; EVLA computing division head

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: GJU-242789
Department: AIPS Data Processing
Priority: Default
Status: Open
Link:  https://help.nrao.edu/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=1198

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