[daip] New Staff Reply - [!MVR-472330]: Cookbook Sect. E.4 - Use of SOUSP & CLCAL

Eric Greisen do-not-reply at nrao.edu
Wed Nov 30 12:04:39 EST 2011

New Staff Reply: Cookbook Sect. E.4 - Use of SOUSP & CLCAL

1. SOUSP is used after GETJY for data with more than one IF.  I do
   not know how to find a spectral index otherwise.  Having a single
   EVLA IF does suggest that you are doing narrow-band spectral-line
   work and so a spectral index for your bandpass calibrator is
   not too serious.  BPASS knows the spectral index of 3C286, 3C147,
   3C48, and 3C138 and does not need to be told about them.

2. CLCAL usage is little changed.  It depends on how you have done
   your CALIB solutions.  If you have done scan averages (the default),
   then no smoothing is needed unless there are failed solutions 
   which need replacing with nearby ones.  Then a moderately wide
   Gaussian with DOBLANK=1 is good.

3. Yes - I do RFLAG on my calibrators.  Then I delete all CL and SN
   tables except CL table 1, then I redo FRING, CLCAL, BPASS, CALIB,
   GETJY, CLCAL.  Other flagging could be done along with RFLAG such
   as SPFLG.  I only smooth my CALIB solutions when there are failed
   ones (DOBLANK=1) or when I have used a SOLINT < one cal scan length

Eric Greisen

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: MVR-472330
Department: AIPS Data Processing
Priority: Default
Status: Closed
Link:  https://help.nrao.edu/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=1290

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