[daip] Shared memory id failure: Invalid argument on mac osx 10.6 w 64bit mode

Shinnaga Hiroko shinnaga at caltech.edu
Wed Sep 15 17:48:23 EDT 2010

Dear Eric Greisen, 

  It turned out that TV doesn't want to show up on my laptop 
when I start aips.  I read your web at 
to try to treat this, but still doesn't work.  What I did was 

1. I created the file /etc/system and copy/pasted the following 

set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=8388608
set ufs:ufs_HW=6291456
set ufs:ufs_LW=4194304
set priority_paging=1

2. I created the /etc/sysctl.conf file and put the following lines 


Since I didn't have the command "xdpyinfo", I wasn't able to 
check the output of this.  

After I created the above two files, if I start aips, it still says 
"Shared memory id failure: Invalid argument".  

How can I treat this problem?  

Please note that I did " setenv DISPLAY localhost:0" before 
starting aips.  Also, I added following lines 

sssin           5000/tcp        SSSIN      # AIPS TV server
ssslock         5002/tcp        SSSLOCK    # AIPS TV Lock
msgserv         5008/tcp        MSGSERV    # AIPS Message Server
tekserv         5009/tcp        TEKSERV    # AIPS TekServer
aipsmt0         5010/tcp        AIPSMT0    # AIPS remote FITS disk access
aipsmt1         5011/tcp        AIPSMT1    # AIPS remote tape 1
aipsmt2         5012/tcp        AIPSMT2    # AIPS remote tape 2
aipsmt3         5013/tcp        AIPSMT3
aipsmt4         5014/tcp        AIPSMT4
aipsmt5         5015/tcp        AIPSMT5
aipsmt6         5016/tcp        AIPSMT6
aipsmt7         5017/tcp        AIPSMT7

in the file /etc/services .  

I have mac osx 10.6.4 (laptop) with 64bit mode.  

Hope to hear from you soon.  Thank you very much for your help.  


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