[daip] I'd like to ask about displaying the parameter for each task

KOTARO NIINUMA kotaro.niinuma at nao.ac.jp
Tue Sep 14 09:13:57 EDT 2010

  To whom it may concern:

I'm Kotaro Niinuma, used AIPS software in the following environment.

MacBook Pro (OS:snow leopard, Memory: 8GB).
Installed version: AIPS version 09

In my environment, even if I put an integer number for each parameter of
any task, it is displayed as " *.99 " when I checked with verb "inp".
e.g. even if I put "1" for the parameter "docalib", it is displayed as
"docalib .99". (I attached the copy of parameters of task "SPLIT")

I don't know what is wrong. Could you tell me what should be done?

affiliation: Mizusawa VLBI Observatory / NAOJ
address: Osawa 2-21-1, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan
TEL: +81-(0)422-34-3639
E-mail: kotaro.niinuma at nao.ac.jp

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