[daip] IMAGR noise images

Hans-Rainer Kloeckner hrk at astro.ox.ac.uk
Fri Oct 15 05:53:10 EDT 2010

Dear Eric et al.,

	sorry again for bothering, is there an option to obtain in imagr the  
"cleaned" noise floor without the sources added back onto the image,  
but an attached CC table? The reason for this question is that we  
would like to generate a very large survey from several pointing and  
we would like to add the sources back with an optional synthesized  
beam size. Or do you see  a way to bootstrap this ?



Hans-Rainer Kloeckner
University of Oxford
Denys Wilkinson Building
Keble Road
Oxford OX1 3RH
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1865 273303
hrk at astro.ox.ac.uk
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie
Auf dem Huegel 69
53121 Bonn
+49 (0)228 525-481
hrk at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de

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