[daip] Problems in setting up AIPS in a Macbook Pro with Mac OS X 10.6.3

Miguel Ángel Pérez Torres torres at iaa.es
Thu May 6 12:35:29 EDT 2010

Dear Eric and Wes,

You were right that I needed not to set the DISPLAY and also not to modify the xxSERVERS files, but only for the case of "setenv AIPS_TEK_EMULATOR xterm". And, of course, I can only make run AIPS if I use the "aips tv=local" option; otherwise it gets stuck (any hint as to how could I solve this?). 

However,  If I still use the "setenv AIPS_TEK_EMULATOR xgterm" (which I would like to have, as "xterm" results in funny labels), then I get the following message from the xgterm:

xgterm: Can't execvp setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH /Users/torres/aips/31DEC10/MACINT/LIBR/INTELCMP:/Users/torres/aips/31DEC10/MACINT/LIBR/INTELCMP:/Users/torres/aips/31DEC10/MACINT/LIBR/INTELCMP:/Users/torres/aips/31DEC10/MACINT/LIBR/INTELCMP:/Users/torres/aips/31DEC10/MACINT/LIBR/INTELCMP:/Users/torres/aips/31DEC10/MACINT/LIBR/INTELCMP:/Users/torres/aips/31DEC10/MACINT/LIBR/INTELCMP:/Users/torres/aips/31DEC10/MACINT/LIBR/INTELCMP ; /Users/torres/aips/31DEC10/MACINT/LOAD/TKSRV1

And removing the "setenv" commands, as mentioned in my previous email, results in this message:

xgterm:  bad command line option "-e"

So I can run AIPS, but without the tvserver.

Thanks in advance,

Dr. Miguel-Angel Perez-Torres                  http://www.iaa.es/~torres
Research Scientist                                  Office: +34-958 23 06 44
Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucía         Fax:    +34-958 81 45 30
C/ Camino Bajo de Huetor, 50                   E-18008 Granada, Spain

On 06/05/2010, at 00:40, Eric Greisen wrote:

> Miguel Ángel Pérez Torres wrote:
>> If I set up the variable as: setenv DISPLAY :0.0 or
>> setenv DISPLAY localhost:0, I then type aips, and I get the following
>> and doesn't work. And this in spite of having removed the usual lines in the UNIXSERVERS and XASERVERS files, following your recommendations of a few years ago:
>>  *csh)
>>          ($AIPS_TEK_EMULATOR -display $DISPLAY \
>>            "setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH ;$LOAD/TEKSRV.EXE" &) ;;
>> removing the setenv command.  You may even have to remove the "'s.
>> Those lines read now as follows:
>> *csh)
>>              ($AIPS_TEK_EMULATOR -display $DISPLAY \
>>              &) ;;
>> The only way to make it run is by typing aips tv=local, but then I get a funny complain about xgterm that I cannot understand
> You should not set the DISPLAY and there is no need and you probably should not modify the xxSERVERS scripts.
> Eric Greisen

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