[daip] New Ticket - [!VIL-232740]: FITLD not working properly on OS X 10.6

Paul A Harrison do-not-reply at nrao.edu
Wed Dec 8 05:34:37 EST 2010

New Ticket: FITLD not working properly on OS X 10.6

It appears that there is a problem with FITLD not reading FITS IDI files properly on OS X 10.6 using the binary 31Dec11 AIPS version. The file appears to read correctly but on examining the values read

>go prtuv
 localhos  PRTUV(31DEC11)      2     08-DEC-2010  09:10:39    Page    1
File = TEST        .UVDATA.   1   Vol = 1    Userid =    2     Channels =    1 to     4
Source= 1203+445   RA   =  12 03  9.50   DEC  =  44 31 53.0 IF =  1
Freq=  5.487999845 GHz   Ncor=  1   No. vis=      2415   Sort order= **
Source= 1203+445    Freq=   5.487999845    Sort= **           1   LL             2   LL             3   LL             4   LL
  Vis #     IAT      Ant  Su Fq U(klam) V(klam) W(klam)   Amp  Phas     Wt   Amp  Phas     Wt   Amp  Phas     Wt   Amp  Phas     Wt
      1  0/14:11:00  5- 9  1  1   -2005    2900   -1849   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000
      2  0/14:11:00  7- 9  1  1   -2580    2714    -789   1.000  90-0.0001   1.000  90 0.0001   1.000  90-0.0001   1.000  90 0.0001
      3  0/14:11:00  8- 9  1  1   -2405    2717   -1022   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000
      4  0/14:11:00  2- 9  1  1   -2444    2569    -736   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000
      5  0/14:11:00  6- 9  1  1    -629    1806   -1959   1.000  90 0.0001   1.000  90-0.0001   1.000  90 0.0001   1.000  90 0.0000
      6  0/14:11:00  6- 7  1  1    1951    -908   -1170   1.000  90-0.0001   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0001
      7  0/14:11:00  2- 6  1  1   -1815     763    1223   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000
      8  0/14:11:00  6- 8  1  1    1776    -911    -936   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000
      9  0/14:11:00  5- 6  1  1   -1376    1094     109   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000
     10  0/14:11:00  2- 5  1  1    -439    -331    1114   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000   1.000  90 0.0000

The same file reads successfully on a linux distribution of AIPS

A small example file can be found at ftp://ftp.jb.man.ac.uk/pub/pah/testdata/DATW.FITS

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: VIL-232740
Department: AIPS Data Processing
Priority: Default
Status: Open
Link:  https://help.nrao.edu/staff/index.php?_m=tickets&_a=viewticket&ticketid=517

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