[daip] IMAGR question

Hanno Spreeuw j.n.spreeuw at uva.nl
Wed May 6 01:36:35 EDT 2009


I am running IMAGR multi facet.
Why does IMAGR continue cleaning after I pressed "STOP CLEANING"?
This is from the message server:

"localh> IMAGR2: Press buttons A, B, or C to choose an operation
localh> IMAGR2: Press button D for on-line help
localh> IMAGR2: Stop cleaning - done enough I guess!
localh> IMAGR2: Forcing a filter and resuming Clean
localh> IMAGR2: Merging the Clean components files
localh> IMAGR2: Field    1 compressed from    751679 to    295817 

When I press "STOP CLEANING" again it does actually stop.


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