[daip] random problems after AIPS installation

Amélie Saintonge amelie at physik.uzh.ch
Tue Feb 17 13:03:11 EST 2009


I installed AIPS yesterday on my Mac Intel laptop.  As far as I can  
tell, the installation went fine (though I haven't tested the  
software much).  However, since installing the software, several  
things have gone wrong on my machine: emacs won't open, complaining  
of not being able to connect to the X server,  IDL won't run because  
it doesn't find the license file on my computer,...

This may be a total coincidence, but I doubt it: is it possible that  
the AIPS installation has modified some basic setup/parameter files  
on my system that could be causing these problems? Is there a way to  
undo this?

Thanks in advance for any advice,

	Amelie Saintonge

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