[daip] Fwd: Use of EDITR in AL730 project

Barney Rickett bjrickett at ucsd.edu
Mon Feb 16 13:34:13 EST 2009

Dear AIPS helper  (I am hoping the daip address is still correct),

Please can you advise me on the following problem.

I am flagging a large data set from project AL730  recorded in  
January this year and have difficulties with 'EDITR'.

The data consists of 3sec samples continuum data with a 50 sec scan  
on a set of about 160 sources using two subarrays with IFs AC at 6.6  
GHz and BD at 4.8 GHz.  The observations continued for about 109 hrs  
(!) and have been concatenated into a single large file.

I am working on data from one of the subarrays and analyzing IF1.
Initial tasks are TACOP to make a copy of the CL table 1, QUACK to
remove first 10sec of each scan, SETJY to set the flux density scale.
I then used EDITA to flag a substantial number of points based on  
TANT values from the TY table that were above ~300 K (some were in  
Giga Kelvin from a few of the antennas) creating FG2.

I then have been working through the source list flagging with editr  
and looking at the results with uvplt.  After the use of edita, I  
set  FLAGVER to 0 and was appending the flags to FG2 by setting  
OUTFGVER 2 also.  (I also tried with FLAGVER 2).  After a bout of  
flagging I EXIT and look at that source with uvplt set from amplitude  
vs UVbaseline length.  After flagging some sources successfully  
(primary calibrator 3C286 and some secondary calibrators) I now find  
that newly stored flags do not seem to be entered into the FG table  
(or not recognized by UVPLT).   I tried allowing the FG table number  
to increase by setting OUTFGVER 0 and FLAGVER 0, which I thought  
solved the problem initially but does not work now.

Also I rerun editr with flagver set to read the previous flags but  
see plots with the previously flagged points still displayed.  I  
reflag them and repeat the sequence and get the same result, even  
though a REPLOT in EDITR removes the flagged pts from the plot.   I  
also tried with and without calibration - setting DOCALIB -1 1 2,  
with no noticeable change.

I have tried restarting the whole sequence several times but always  
end up with unflaggable points.  As a relative novice to AIPS I  
assumed I was making errors in the setup,  but after several weeks of  
attempts I am at a loss as to how to proceed.

I wonder if there is some limit to the number of entries into a flag  
Can you suggest any diagnostic or change in procedure?
I am appending the inputs and outputs from EDITR that might provide  
clues as to what I am doing wrong.

Here is the typical inp to 'editr'  from a recent run

AIPS 1: EDITR: Interactive baseline-oriented UV data editor using the TV
AIPS 1: Adverbs     Values                 Comments
AIPS 1: ----------------------------------------------------------------
AIPS 1: INNAME     'AL730_CONC'            Input UV data (name)
AIPS 1: INCLASS    'DBCON'                 Input UV data (class)
AIPS 1: INSEQ         1                    Input UV data (seq. #)
AIPS 1: INDISK        1                    Input UV data disk drive #
AIPS 1: SOURCES    'G01183910'             Source list
AIPS 1:            *rest ' '
AIPS 1: QUAL         -1                    Calibrator qualifier -1=>all
AIPS 1: CALCODE    ' '                     Calibrator code '    '=>all
AIPS 1: TIMERANG   *all 0                  Time range to use
AIPS 1: SELBAND      -1                    Bandwidth to select (kHz)
AIPS 1: SELFREQ      -1                    Frequency to select (MHz)
AIPS 1: FREQID        1                    Freq. ID to select.
AIPS 1: SUBARRAY      0                    Subarray, 0=>1
AIPS 1: DOCALIB      -1                    > 0 calibrate data & weights
AIPS 1:                                    > 99 do NOT calibrate weights
AIPS 1: GAINUSE       2                    CL (or SN) table to apply
AIPS 1: DOPOL        -1                    If >0 correct polarization.
AIPS 1: BLVER        -1                    BL table to apply.
AIPS 1: FLAGVER       5                    Flag table version
AIPS 1: OUTFGVER      0                    Output FG table version
AIPS 1: DOBAND       -1                    If >0 apply bandpass cal.
AIPS 1:                                    Method used depends on value
AIPS 1:                                    of DOBAND (see HELP file).
AIPS 1: BPVER        -1                    Bandpass table version
AIPS 1: SMOOTH     *all 0                  Smoothing function. See
AIPS 1:                                    HELP SMOOTH for details.
AIPS 1: STOKES     ' '                     Use 'I' to edit RR and LL
AIPS 1:                                    combined, else task will set
AIPS 1: BCHAN         1                    Low freq. channel in average
AIPS 1: ECHAN         1                    High freq channel in average
AIPS 1: BIF           1                    First IF displayed
AIPS 1: EIF           1                    Last IF displayed
AIPS 1: UVRANGE       0           0        Min & max baseline (klambda)
AIPS 1: ANTENNAS      2           3        List of antennas to be used
AIPS 1:               4           9          11          13
AIPS 1:              16          17          18          21
AIPS 1:              24          26          28        *rest 0
AIPS 1: IN2NAME    ' '                     2nd UV file name
AIPS 1: IN2CLASS   ' '                     2nd UV file class
AIPS 1: IN2SEQ        0                    2nd UV file sequence
AIPS 1: IN2DISK       0                    2nd UV file disk
AIPS 1: DOHIST       -1                    Record flags in history file
AIPS 1: SOLINT        0                    Data averaging time in mins
AIPS 1: DETIME        0                    Break interval (min)
AIPS 1: DOWEIGHT      1                    Rescale weights by DOWEIGHT
AIPS 1: DOTWO         1                    True => do second observable
AIPS 1:                                    plot of main baseline
AIPS 1: EXPERT        0                    > 0 start in expert mode
AIPS 1: CROWDED       0                    > 0 => allow plots with all

(Most editr runs had flagver 0 outfgver 2)

Here is a typical output from MSGSERV:
I dont understand the warning about an FC table
I dont understand the message "Doing no flagging this time"

LOCALH> EDITR1: Task EDITR  (release of 31DEC09) begins
LOCALH> EDITR1: Doing no flagging this time
LOCALH> EDITR1: Read the data to list times
LOCALH> EDITR1: Allocate    311609 words at           5562814
LOCALH> EDITR1: All data will reside in memory
LOCALH> EDITR1: Found  361 times, stored on a time axis of length  415
LOCALH> EDITR1: Read the data into memory
LOCALH> EDITR1: Plotting:
LOCALH> EDITR1: Press buttons A, B, or C to choose an operation
LOCALH> EDITR1: Press button D for on-line help
.... etc
LOCALH> EDITR1: Flagged   151 points in T x F    1  414 x  1.360E+00   
LOCALH> EDITR1: Press buttons A, B, or C to choose an operation
LOCALH> EDITR1: Press button D for on-line help
LOCALH> EDITR1: Plotting:
LOCALH> EDITR1: Press buttons A, B, or C to choose an operation
LOCALH> EDITR1: Press button D for on-line help
LOCALH> EDITR1: EDFCAP: copied***** rows from FG table version   4
LOCALH> EDITR1: EDFCAP: added   152 rows to   FG table version   5
LOCALH> EDITR1: Appears to have ended successfully
LOCALH> EDITR1: localhos 31DEC09 TST: Cpu=     46.3  Real=    170   
IO=        59

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