[daip] install

Yoshiaki Hagiwara yoshiaki.hagiwara at nao.ac.jp
Fri Feb 6 12:26:57 EST 2009

Dear AIPS manager,

I'm trying a binary install to my machine running on the MacOSX
but the install wizard stops at this stage below.
It is relevant to midnight job that I don't need to install.
Do you have any idea how to sort this out ?



AipsWiz: This will generate a fair bit of output.
MAKE.BMNJ - Moving to /opt/aips/31DEC09/MACPPC/UPDATE
MAKE.BMNJ - The MNJ now uses cvs (http://www.cvshome.org) for updates;
MAKE.BMNJ - looking to see if I can find a copy of it....
MAKE.BMNJ - I cannot seem to find it, either it is not here or it is
MAKE.BMNJ - here, but it is installed in a place that is not in your
MAKE.BMNJ - search path. If it is not here, you should install it and
MAKE.BMNJ - run MAKE.BMNJ again. Otherwise, please tell me where you
MAKE.BMNJ - put it.
-n MAKE.BMNJ - Full path to cvs: :

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