[daip] how to export uv data and how to overplot?

Amy Mioduszewski amiodusz at nrao.edu
Mon Aug 31 15:26:49 EDT 2009

Hi Ting,

You should probably apply the calibration and then export the data.  Use SPLAT 
and apply CL table 2, this will create a new uv file and export it.  FITTP will 
keep all your calibration tables, but I don't know what CASA (importuvfits in 
particular, which I have found finicky) will do with them.  I think it is safer 
to just apply the calibration and then export.

For UVPLT, you can use the different GRCHAN to over plot, 1 is yellow, 2 is 
green etc..  So set GRCHAN to 1, run UVPLT, then set GRCHAN to 2, and run UVPLT 
again and that will be over plotted.   You might want to fix the scale too, so 
they will be on the same scale, do this with BPARM (e.g., BPARM 0 0 1 0 1000 0 
1.0, will set the scale on the x-axis from 0-1000 and the y-axis from 0-1).


Ting Yan wrote:
> Hi,
> I am reducing VLA data taken from 2007. I am trying to run VLANT in AIPS 
> and then export the corrected data for further reduction in CASA (I'm 
> more familiar with CASA). So after I run VLANT, there are two CL tables. 
> CL #2 is what I want. However, I tried to use FITTP to export the data, 
> but there is no input parameter which specifys the CL table to be 
> exported. So I am not sure which table is exported. Could you please 
> tell how I can export the corrected data to a fits file? Thanks.
> Another question is how to overplot the data in uvplt. I just want to 
> see how large the difference is between raw data and corrected data. Thanks!
> Ting Yan
> Graduate  Student
> Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy
> University of Colorado at Boulder
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