[daip] lost file names using FITAB and FITLD

Mark Reid reid at cfa.harvard.edu
Fri Apr 3 16:23:24 EDT 2009

Dear AIPSers:

    Occasionally I find the following problem.  I write a FITS tape with 
multiple files, usually UV and MA files, with FITAB.   Some time later I 
read the tape back using FITLD and some of the file names are lost.  A 
recent tape yielded the following:

AIPS 2: Catalog on disk  2
AIPS 2:  Cat Usid Mapname      Class   Seq  Pt     Last access      Stat
AIPS 2:    1  501 2005OCT20-A .GEODAT.    1 UV 03-APR-2009 13:34:25
AIPS 2:    2  501 NO NAME     .UVDATA.    1 UV 03-APR-2009 13:37:59
AIPS 2:    3  501 NO NAME     .UVDATA.    2 UV 03-APR-2009 13:57:52
AIPS 2:    4  501 NO NAME     .UVDATA.    3 UV 03-APR-2009 13:58:01
AIPS 2:    5  501 NO NAME     .UVDATA.    4 UV 03-APR-2009 13:58:06
AIPS 2:    6  501 NO NAME     .UVDATA.    5 UV 03-APR-2009 14:15:13

Any idea what went wrong or how to circumvent the problem?


Mark J. Reid                 Phone: 617-495-7470
Harvard-Smithsonian CfA      Fax  : 617-495-7345
60 Garden Street             Email: reid at cfa.harvard.edu
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA     Web  : www.cfa.harvard.edu/~reid

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