[daip] problem because of xterm?

Patrick Palmer ppalmer at oskar.uchicago.edu
Thu Mar 6 10:55:58 EST 2008


I am having a lot of trouble with xterms.  I am running Ubuntu (all the 
most recent updates).  I use the gnome-terminal because it seems to work 
mostly like xterms.  However when I try to run aips, the xterms that 
should be started (TEK and the Message server) die with segmentation 
faults.  By trying several times I can usually get the tek server to 
work, but the message server seems to never work.  I don't know why this 
is, and it has to be the fault of my xterm.  But, has anyone else ever 
reported such a problem?

I can't find where the xterm's are started.  Otherwise I would try to 
change them to gnome-terminals.  I looked in START_AIPS, 


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