[daip] Error installing AIPS

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Thu Jan 31 17:32:04 EST 2008

Joseph Gelfand writes:

 > Data disk assignments:
 >    (Using global default file /usr/local/yosi/aips/DA00/DADEVS.LIST for 
 > DADEVS.PL error - no disks selected at all
 > This is a FATAL error and nothing in AIPS will work.
 > *********************************************************
 > HELP!  No Defined data areas!  You can proceed now to run
 > program FILAIP, but you may see LOTS of complaints about
 > not being able to access the message file.  If you think
 > there should have been some data areas defined, please
 > check DADEVS.LIST or .dadevs files, or AIPSASSN.\*
 > *********************************************************
 > The contents of /usr/local/yosi/aips/DA00/DADEVS.LIST are:
 > #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 > #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 > # This is a DADEVS list file containing a list of AIPS data directories.
 > # Refer to $AIPS_ROOT/DADEVS.SH for more information.
 > #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 > -  /data1/jg168/AIPS
 > -  /data2/jg168/AIPS

   For large environments such as ours, DADEVS.LIST has the
requirement for optional disks (those with a minus in col 1) that the
path to them contains the host name, e.g. PRIMATE for my machine and
note the upper case.  I may well set up in a small environment
as ln -s links to /data1/jg168/AIPS and /data2/jg168/AIPS and then
list the /usr/local/yosi/aips/DATA/PRIMATE_n in DADEVS.LIST and NETSP.
Alternatively, and this has no down side in a 1-computer environment,
make the disk areas "required" by replaing the - sign with a + sign.
Then disk areas will be found (assuming they have a writable SPACE
file in them).

 > I do not see a DADEVS.PL file anywhere is the AIPS directory, nor 
 > DADEVS.SH file in the AIPS_ROOT directory.  If I run FILAIPS and POPSGN 
 > with da=default after setting DA01 and DA02 to the correct values in 
 > AIPSASSN.SH, it seems to work correct,

      The files are in the path either in $SYSLOCAL or $SYSUNIX - the
latter in this case.

 but when I try to run AIPS I get 
 > the following error message:
 > MSGserver: could not get msgserv service by name: Success
 > MSGserver: Check your /etc/services or NIS/YP map
 > In the message window before it disappears.  The error message from tvinit 
 > is the following:
 > >tvinit
 > ZSSSL2: tcp/ssslock NOT A SERVICE
 > AIPS 1: TV OPEN ERROR      6

This is a separate issue - from our AIPS Manager FAQ 
at http://www.aips.nrao.edu/aipsmgr/

Problems with the TV, message, TEK and tape servers

The instructions to change your /etc/services file are often
overlooked. The Inet versions of XAS with its TVSERV lock daemon,
MSGSRV, and TEKSRV all require that predictable node numbers be
reserved for them. The remote tape services also require these and do
not offer a UNIX (non-network socket) option. In both cases, if you
need to communicate between two computers (or more), the following
must be installed in your /etc/services (or YP services)

sssin           5000/tcp        SSSIN      # AIPS TV server
ssslock         5002/tcp        SSSLOCK    # AIPS TV Lock
msgserv         5008/tcp        MSGSERV    # AIPS Message Server
tekserv         5009/tcp        TEKSERV    # AIPS TekServer
aipsmt0         5010/tcp        AIPSMT0    # AIPS remote FITS disk access
aipsmt1         5011/tcp        AIPSMT1    # AIPS remote tape 1
aipsmt2         5012/tcp        AIPSMT2    # AIPS remote tape 2
aipsmt3         5013/tcp        AIPSMT3
aipsmt4         5014/tcp        AIPSMT4
aipsmt5         5015/tcp        AIPSMT5
aipsmt6         5016/tcp        AIPSMT6
aipsmt7         5017/tcp        AIPSMT7

You do not need to install all the tape services unless you have a
large number of tape devices on some computer.

Note that this FAQ also covers issues related to XWindows depth and
maximum shared memory that may also affect you.

You can test for those before doing the services by saying

   aips tv=local 

which uses unix sockets rather than Inet ones.  Again no down side in
a one-machine environment.

Eric Greisen

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