[daip] AIPS without rsync?

Kimberly Engle kae at milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov
Fri Jan 11 14:39:25 EST 2008


 	I'm a sysadm at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, and I
cannot get AIPS installed here because our ("misguided") network 
people decided long ago that rsync was nasty and blocked it at 
our firewall. (I pleaded with them over a year ago to unblock it 
since ftp and cvs are both open, to no avail. I was able to get it
installed on that host because one of the network guys who has since
left GSFC temporarily opened the port for me for testing purposes.)

 	So how can I get AIPS (binary version, not text) successfully 
installed on desktops here without using rsync? Seems to me there's no
way around it at this point, considering the way the install.pl script
is written. I can send users home with instructions on how to get it 
on their laptops, but it'd be nice to have a way for me to help them 
get it installed here via a tarball that doesn't need rsync. BTW, in 
this case and the last the installations were for Macs.

 	This request is somewhat time-critical (the user wants AIPS
up and running before Wed 1/9), so any ideas or help would be most


Kimberly Anne Engle              | "Ooooh... there's so much I don't know
Code 660.2  Bldg. 21  Rm. 27     |  about astrophysics! I wish I read that
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center |  book by that wheelchair guy."  -HJS
Greenbelt, MD 20771              | ---------------------------------------
phone: (301)286-3016             | email: kae at milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov
fax: (301)286-1753               | www: http://universe.gsfc.nasa.gov/~kae

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