[daip] APCAL Bug on 31DEC07 ?

Arnaud COLLIOUD Arnaud.Collioud at obs.u-bordeaux1.fr
Fri Feb 15 10:59:16 EST 2008

Dear wise AIPS users/developpers,

I am currently processing a VLBI experiment with AIPS (version 31DEC07) 
and I have trouble with the task 'APCAL'.
Here is what I get when I run APCAL:

*****in the main windows:

 >go apcal
AIPS 1: Resumes
 >At line 1732 of file /logiciels/aips/aipsroot/31DEC07/LINUX/PREP/APCAL.f
Fortran runtime error: Expected INTEGER for item 4 in formatted 
transfer, got REAL
(A6,' FQID=',I3,' TIMERNG= ',8I3)

*****in the message server windows:

hostna> task #: Message
VANOIS> APCAL1: Task APCAL  (release of 31DEC07) begins
VANOIS> APCAL1: Writing SN table  1

Any clues about this problem ? I attach the input parameters to the email...
Thanks for your answers !

Arnaud Collioud


Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux (LAB)
2 rue de l'Observatoire, B.P. 89   33270 FLOIRAC FRANCE

Tel:+33 5 57 77 61 19     Fax:+33 5 57 77 61 00

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