[daip] (no subject)

Mercedes Esteves Filho mfilho at astro.up.pt
Thu Sep 20 10:40:06 EDT 2007

I have uploaded a file form you archive with the extension

It says to read it into aips with FILLM but it is not
working. Any suggestions?

*                                                    *
*   Mercedes Esteves Filho, Ph.D.                    *
*   Centro de Astrofisica da Universidade do Porto   *
*   Rua das Estrelas                                 *
*   4150 - 762 Porto                                 *
*   Portugal                                         *
*   email: mfilho at astro.up.pt                        *
*   Tel: +351 22 6089 853                            *
*   Fax: +351 22 6089 831                            *
*                                                    *

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