[daip] question

Amy Mioduszewski amiodusz at nrao.edu
Mon Oct 22 15:29:45 EDT 2007

Hi Thomas,

As far as I know there is nothing to do exactly what you want, but I am ccing 
this to daip in case someone knows better than me.  You can tell POSSM to print 
out the numbers that are being plotted (autocorrelations or whatever), with the 
OUTFILE input.  I assume it listens to channel selection.  You could write a 
script to take this file and find the peak.

Hope that helps.


Thomas Krichbaum wrote:
> Hi Amy,
> for experimetn BE50  I would like to compare the calibration obtained from Tsys measurements
> with that obtained from the autocorrelation of the SiO maser observed before each scan.
> How can one extract the peak value of the autocorrelation function in a small range of channels 
> (bchan, echan) and write it into an acii file ? Reading the numbers from POSSM sounds a bit ugly. 
> uvprt or prtuc does not allow to select a specific range of channels. Is there a
> better way ? 
> regards, Thomas

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