[daip] Aips problem with IFs

Philip Best pnb at roe.ac.uk
Wed Nov 14 10:22:44 EST 2007

Dear AIPS,

I'm writing to see if you can help in any way with a problem we have
encountered here with AIPS. Our version of AIPS, running on linux 
machines, is not dealing correctly with IFs, in the sense that it
isn't finding them: if we run a task with "BIF 1; EIF 1" then it
finds no data, whilst running it with "BIF 1; EIF 2" finds only
IF2. This problem arose running AIPS version 31DEC05, but our system
manager installed 31DEC06 and 31DEC07 versions as well, and we find
the same problems. We are certain that this is not an issue with the
data itself because it applies to all datasets, and because we have a 
historic version of AIPS (31DEC03) installed on an alpha machine, and
on that version/machine the IFs are all properly dealt with.
I was wondering if this was a problem that had been seen or known
about before?
Many thanks for any help you can give,

Philip Best

   | Dr Philip Best                                               |
   | Institute for Astronomy          Email:  pnb at roe.ac.uk       |
   | Royal Observatory                Phone:  +44-131-6688358     |
   | Blackford Hill                   Fax:    +44-131-6688416     |
   | Edinburgh EH9 3HJ, UK            http://www.roe.ac.uk/~pnb/  |

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