[daip] aips question

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Tue Nov 6 17:28:25 EST 2007

Jennifer Donovan writes:
 > Hi again --
 > Thanks so much for your quick response. I will try to better explain
 > what we're doing... I'm trying to combine two UV data files (sorry, not
 > cubes), one from the VLA and the other from the ATCA so that I can image
 > them together. I have so far had varying degrees of success, especially
 > as the ATCA data was taken using the radio definition of the galaxy's
 > velocity while the VLA data was done with the optical definition, and
 > the two sets of observations were taken at opposite times of the year
 > (plus different channel widths and u/v/w axes). At any rate, I think we
 > have all of these issues accounted for, but still for the ATCA the
 > coordinate increments are negative and for the VLA they're positive, so
 > if one could just be switched around, we could just combine the two
 > channel by channel. It sounds like the task you wrote is what we need...
 > we're running 31DEC07 here at Columbia, but what is the MNJ?

good luck!  The MNJ is the "midnight job" - a script that updates an
installation of aisp to track changes made in the manin copy.  The
script's name is do_daily.<hostname> and is on <hostname> in the home
area of the account that installed aips.  It should be run once in a
while - not every midnight as the name implies (although that is what
we do).  When I change the task to have your needs, I will let you
know and then you will be able to run the MNJ to get the new task.



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