[daip] aips06

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Mon Jun 11 10:35:43 EDT 2007

Hanno Spreeuw writes:
 > Hello, I just installed aips06 on my laptop as binaries.
 > The  message and TeK servers will not start up. XAS does (after a second
 > launch, first I get a "MakeLink: bind error (INET): Address already in
 > use", see below).

    Odd that that should appear initially.  For some reason this Inet
address does not clear as fast as the others when you exit aips and so
it will show busy for a few minutes sometimes if you exit aips and
start a new aips.  Of course the 04 and 06 aips use the same address.

 > So I followed the instructions on
 > http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/aips/aipsmgr/index.html.
 > I added
 > setenv AIPS_ROOT /home/hanno/aips06
 > to my ~/.env.csh. (I use cshell).
 > But that didn't work. It seems the message and TeK servers pop up but
 > disappear immediately.
 > To complicate things I also have aips04 installed as binaries on the same
 > machine, but in a different directory. Aips04 works fine including the
 > message and TeK servers.
 > So I can start up aips04 and then aips06 from another shell with "aips
 > tvok" and I can run aips06 with the message and TeK servers but surely
 > that is not the way it should be?

Almost certainly the xterm is not able to find the run-time library
when it starts.  I wonder is a non-interactive login uses .env.csh.
Such files are not part of standard Linux but must be added and used
by the standard bits modified to do so locally.  It may well not do
this in a non-interactive case for example.  I attach below the
31DEC07 version of XASERVERS.  Cut it out and put it in your
$SYSLOCAL.  I have removed the comments from the 2 lines saying -hold
so that the xterms will stay on your screen until you manually kill
them.  This might help with the debugging.  These 31DEC07 versions
have additional code in to attempt to deal with this issue without the
.cshrc file change.

Eric Greisen

------------------------------ CUT here XASERVERS ---------------------
#;  Copyright (C) 1995-2002, 2005-2007
#;  Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
#;  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#;  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
#;  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
#;  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#;  GNU General Public License for more details.
#;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
#;  License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
#;  Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge,
#;  MA 02139, USA.
#;  Correspondence concerning AIPS should be addressed as follows:
#;         Internet email: aipsmail at nrao.edu.
#;         Postal address: AIPS Project Office
#;                         National Radio Astronomy Observatory
#;                         520 Edgemont Road
#;                         Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
# Start AIPS TV, graphics and message servers on an X workstation.
# MUST be invoked via $AIPS_ROOT/START_TVSERVERS which is responsible for
# defining essential AIPS env.vars (including TVDEV, etc) via HOSTS.SH,
# TVDEVS.SH, and AIPSPATH.SH, as well as DISPLAY.  This script uses
# Internet domain sockets; see UNIXSERVERS for Unix Domain Socket use.
# RESOURCES:  If XAS starts first it grabs most of the colormap
# ----------  resources leaving other X clients bereft.  XAS will use
# a virtual colormap if it has to.  See AIPStv*maxGreyLevel below; set
# this to a smaller value if you wish (but no smaller than 111).
# XAS resources:  The following may be used to customize XAS:
#   AIPStv*cursorB:         Amount of blue  in cursor, 0-255
#   AIPStv*cursorG:         Amount of green in cursor, 0-255
#   AIPStv*cursorR:         Amount of red   in cursor, 0-255
#   AIPStv*cursorShape:     Number representing cursor shape, e.g. 30
#   AIPStv*geometry:        X11 geometry argument, e.g. 518x518-0-125
#   AIPStv*graphics1B:      Amount of blue  in graphics plane 1
#   AIPStv*graphics1G:      Amount of green in graphics plane 1
#   AIPStv*graphics1R:      Amount of red   in graphics plane 1
#   (similarly graphics2B, ... graphics4R)
#   AIPStv*maxGreyLevel:    Number of colors for XAS to use, max 199
#   AIPStv*useSharedMemory: 1 or 0 to use or not (MIT shared mem Xtens.)
#   AIPStv*maxCommDelay:    Max # of X instructions to cache.
# OTHER SERVERS: This script will also start the AIPS message and
# -------------  Tektronix (graphics) servers within xterms by default.
# The terminal emulator actually runs the TEKSRV or MSGSRV program.
# In theory, any terminal emulator may be used provided that it has the
# necessary capabilities.  The actual emulators used are controlled by
# the following environment variables:
#   Variable            Description                         Default
#   ----------------------------------------------------------------
#   AIPS_TEK_EMULATOR   Graphics (Tektronix) output         xterm
#   AIPS_MSG_EMULATOR   Task (text) output other than AIPS  xterm
# The emulator for graphics will have the X11 name "AIPStek" and the
# one for text "AIPSmsg".  Any X resources appropriate for the emulator
# actually used may be specified in the users' .Xdefaults or
# .Xresources files.
# The string "none" is special and requests that the server not be
# started.  If a program name is given it must be one in the user's
# command search path (even for rsh/remsh) or must be a full pathname.
# Any terminal emulator used must be capable of running a command
# specified on the command line.  Most terminal emulators allow
# such a command to be specified using the flag "-e", including xterm,
# aixterm, hpterm and most derivatives of xterm.  If one of the terminal
# emulators requires a different flag it should be specified in the
# environmental variable AIPS_TEK_EXE_FLAG and/or AIPS_MSG_EXE_FLAG.
# Also, the variable AIPS_TEK_NAME_FLAG and AIPS_MSG_NAME_FLAG should be
# changed (in your .login or .profile) if you use an emulator other than
# xterm.
#                                       Make sure that X programs are in
#                                       the path in case this script is
#                                       being run via remote shell.
#                                       If TEKSRV/MSGSRV start locally
#                                       but not remotely, you need to
#                                       add to the following list of
#                                       places where X programs might be
#                                       hiding.
for xdir in /usr/bin/X11 \
            /usr/X11R6/bin \
            /usr/X11/bin \
            /usr/X386/bin \
            /usr/Openwin/bin \
            /usr/openwin/bin \
            /usr/local/bin \
            /usr/local/bin/X11 \
            /usr/local/X11/bin \
            /opt/local/bin \
            /opt/local/bin/X11 \
            /opt/local/X11/bin \
            /usr/local/X11R6/bin \
            /usr/local/X11R5/bin \
#                                      If you add to this list remember
#                                      to end every line except the
#                                      last with a backslash
   [ -d $xdir ] && PATH=$PATH:$xdir    # Append to end of path so that
                                       # the user's preferences are
                                       # kept intact
#                                       Set defaults if necessary
#                                       Default naming convention
#                                       Watch out!  -title takes 1 arg!
if [ -z "$AIPS_TEK_NAME_FLAG" -a "$AIPS_TEK_EMULATOR" = "xterm" ] ; then
#                                                  debug
if [ -z "$AIPS_MSG_NAME_FLAG" -a "$AIPS_MSG_EMULATOR" = "xterm" ] ; then
#                                                  debug
#                                       allow quiet output
ei6 () {
  if [ "$AIPS_QUIET" = "" ] ; then
    echo "XASERVERS: $*"
#                                       Use which variant of "ps"...
#                                       (if GNU ps, this won't work)
case $ARCH in
   SOL*|SUL|SGI|HP*) psf="-ef";;
   *) psf="auxww";;
#                                       Double-check we got it right
[ "$AIPSTMP" = "" ] && AIPSTMP=/tmp
rm -f $tfil
ps $psf >/dev/null 2>$tfil
if [ -s $tfil ] ; then
#                                       We got the wrong one.  Switch.
   if [ $psf = auxww ] ; then
   rm -f $tfil
#                                       Try it again; it should work now
   ps $psf >/dev/null 2>$tfil
   if [ -s $tfil ] ; then
#                                       It didn't.  Abandon ship!
      pscmd=`type ps | head | awk '{print $NF}'`
      ei6 "Neither 'ps -ef' nor 'ps auxww' work on $ARCH?"
      ei6 "Check your path to make sure the right version of the 'ps'"
      ei6 "command is being used.  One of '-ef' or 'auxww' should work."
      if [ "$pscmd" = "" ] ; then
         ei6 "*NO* ps command found in your path???"
	 ei6 "PATH = $PATH"
         ei6 "First 'ps' in your path is $pscmd"
      ei6 "NOT starting any servers; cannot use 'ps'."
      exit 1
rm -f $tfil
if [ "$LOAD" = "" ] ; then
   ei6 "LOAD undefined, cannot start servers on $TVHOST"
   exit 1
#                                       -------------------------------
#                                       Start TV servers first; if you
#                                       are using ssh, this prevents
#                                       problems on closing the link.
#                                       -------------------------------
if [ "$TVDEV" != TVDEV00 ] ; then
   ps $psf | grep -v grep | grep -v START | grep TVSERV\.EXE >/dev/null
   if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then
      ei6 "Start TV LOCK daemon TVSERV on $TVHOST"
      ( cd $LOAD; ( cd $LOAD; ./TVSERV.EXE & ) & )
#                                       See who is running it.
      cmd=`ps $psf | grep -v grep | grep -v START | grep TVSERV`
      who=`echo $cmd | awk '{print $1}'`
      [ "$who" = "" ] && who="(unknown)"
      msg="TVSERV is already running on host $TVHOST, user $who"
      ei6 $msg
#                                       Start XAS if necessary.
   ps $psf | grep -v grep | grep -v XASERVERS | grep -v 'XAS[1-9A-Z]' \
           | grep XAS >/dev/null
   if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then
      ei6 "Start XAS on $TVHOST, DISPLAY $DISPLAY"
      ( cd $LOAD; ./XAS -display $DISPLAY \
        -t "X-AIPS tv Screen Server 98 - INET" -n "AIPS98-INET" & )
#                                       See who is running it.
      cmd=`ps $psf | grep -v grep | grep -v XASERVERS \
                   | grep -v 'XAS[1-9A-Z]' | grep XAS`
      who=`echo $cmd | awk '{print $1}'`
      dis=`echo $cmd | awk '{for (i=1; i<NF; i++)
                                if ($i == "-display") print $(i+1)}'`
      [ "$who" = "" ] && who="(unknown)"
      [ "$dis" = "" ] && dis="(unknown)"
      msg="XAS    is already running on host $TVHOST,"
      msg="$msg display $dis, user $who"
      ei6 $msg
#                                       Start TEKSRV
if [ "$TKDEV" != "TKDEV00" -a "$AIPS_TEK_EMULATOR" != "none" ] ; then
   ps $psf | grep -v grep | grep TEKSRV\.EXE >/dev/null
   if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then
#                                       Not found so start a new one.
#                                       Leave -display first!
#                                       Detection below needs them.
      ei6 "Start graphics server TEKSRV on $TVHOST, DISPLAY $DISPLAY"
      case $ARCH in
          case $SHELL in
              ($AIPS_TEK_EMULATOR -display $DISPLAY \
              ($AIPS_TEK_EMULATOR -display $DISPLAY \
              $AIPS_TEK_EXE_FLAG $LOAD/TEKSRV.EXE &) ;;
          esac ;;
          case $SHELL in
              ($AIPS_TEK_EMULATOR -display $DISPLAY \
              ($AIPS_TEK_EMULATOR -display $DISPLAY \
              "setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH ;$LOAD/TEKSRV.EXE" &) ;;
              $AIPS_TEK_EXE_FLAG $LOAD/TEKSRV.EXE &) ;;
          esac ;;
#                                       ' ' marks not allowed by many
#                                       if command fails try
#                       $AIPS_TEK_EXE_FLAG $LOAD/TEKSRV.EXE &)
#                                       Two processes will be running:
#                                       the terminal emulator and the
#                                       TEKSRV.EXE itself.  Other Unix-
#                                       based TKSRVn's may be there too.
#                                       As xterm may be set-uid root,
#                                       need to look at both processes.
#                                       The xterm has display info, and
#                                       the other has the user info.
      cmd=`ps $psf | grep -v grep | grep TEKSRV | grep -v TKSRV | \
           grep display`
      cmd2=`ps $psf | grep -v grep | grep TEKSRV\.EXE | grep -v display`
      who=`echo $cmd2 | awk '{print $1}'`
      dis=`echo $cmd | awk '{for (i=1; i<NF; i++)
                          if ($i == "-display") print $(i+1)}'`
      [ "$who" = "" ] && who="(unknown)"
      [ "$dis" = "" ] && dis="(unknown)"
      msg="TEKSRV is already running on host $TVHOST,"
      msg="$msg display $dis, user $who"
      ei6 $msg
#                                       Start MSGSRV.
if [ "$TTDEV" != "TTDEV00" -a "$AIPS_MSG_EMULATOR" != "none" ] ; then
   ps $psf | grep -v grep | grep MSGSRV\.EXE >/dev/null
   if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then
#                                       Not found so start a new one.
#                                       Leave -display first!
#                                       Detection below needs them.
      ei6 "Start message server MSGSRV on $TVHOST, DISPLAY $DISPLAY"
      case $ARCH in
          case $SHELL in
              ($AIPS_MSG_EMULATOR -display $DISPLAY \
              ($AIPS_MSG_EMULATOR -display $DISPLAY \
              "setenv dyLD_LIBRARY_PATH $dyLD_LIBRARY_PATH ;$LOAD/MSGSRV.EXE" &) ;;
              $AIPS_MSG_EXE_FLAG $LOAD/MSGSRV.EXE &) ;;
          esac ;;
          case $SHELL in
              ($AIPS_MSG_EMULATOR -display $DISPLAY \
              ($AIPS_MSG_EMULATOR -display $DISPLAY \
              "setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH ;$LOAD/MSGSRV.EXE" &) ;;
              $AIPS_MSG_EXE_FLAG $LOAD/MSGSRV.EXE &) ;;
          esac ;;
#                                       ' ' marks not allowed by many
#                                       if command fails try
#                                       see above for the gory details.
      cmd=`ps $psf | grep -v grep | grep MSGSRV | grep -v MSSRV | \
           grep display`
      cmd2=`ps $psf | grep -v grep | grep MSGSRV\.EXE | grep -v display`
      who=`echo $cmd2 | awk '{print $1}'`
      dis=`echo $cmd | awk '{for (i=1; i<NF; i++)
                                if ($i == "-display") print $(i+1)}'`
      [ "$who" = "" ] && who="(unknown)"
      [ "$dis" = "" ] && dis="(unknown)"
      msg="MSGSRV is already running on host $TVHOST,"
      msg="$msg display $dis, user $who"
      ei6 $msg

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