[daip] BATCH

Frazer Owen fowen at nrao.edu
Tue Jul 17 21:36:26 EDT 2007


    Don't worry about this on vacation but think I should document what
is going on so that when you get back all can be understood.

    I have tried to use BATCH about 10 times so far. Every time I
don't make an obvious mistake, the jobs start up and run for some
time, perhaps 1 or 2 hours, in some cases perhaps more. However,
in all cases they just disappear without getting to completion. At first
I thought this was due to AIPS updating but it has happened too
many times when no changes in AIPS were made. Something in
the system must be deleting them after some time with me logged off.
The same jobs seem to run fine if I am running them interactively.
Thus I have not gotten an BATCH job to run to completion since
I have been in Hawaii. They seem to fail at random points, so I suspect
the system.

    I will send a query to helpdesk about this.


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