[daip] UVFLG suggestion

Jim Ulvestad julvesta at nrao.edu
Tue Jan 16 14:05:56 EST 2007

Hi all,

May not be so easy, but it would be really nice if UVFLG
(and even QUACK) had the following options for antennas
and baselines, given a particular time range, IFs, etc.

(1) Flag all EVLA-EVLA baselines
(2) Flag all EVLA-VLA baselines
(3) Flag all VLA-VLA baselines
(4) Flag any of the combinations of the above
(i.e., 1 and 2, but not 3, or 1 and 3, but not 2, etc.)

Don't know if this is easy or difficult, but I suspect
there are a lot of people who would (or will in the future)
like to have this capability.



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