[daip] physical filename format

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Mon Sep 18 08:23:39 EDT 2006

Derek Moss writes:
 > Hi
 > I am running AIPS DEC03 on Redhat Enterprise 4, at the University of 
 > Southampton in the UK.
 > I have a load of data on disks, but can't figure out the AIPS userid of 
 > the owner.
 > The Going AIPS progammers manual says that the ZPHFIL routine creates the 
 > filenames by converting various numbers from inside AIPS (INVER, catalogue 
 > number, userid etc) into hexidecimal. This seems very sensible. But, the 
 > filenames that I get from in the DAxx disks are not in hex. They feature 
 > numeric characters from 0 to 9 and alphabetical characters from A to Z.
 > Is there some other level of encoding that I am missing?
 > Sorry if I am being dim and missing something obvious.

They are in extended Hex 0-9,A-Z.  The aips $SYSUNIX area has a proc
called REHEX which converts these to decimal and EHEX to convert
decimal to base 36.  So if you source LOGIN.CSH in the aips_root area
(or dot the LOGIN.SH for bash shells) and then say e.f. REHEX ABC you
will be told what ABC is in decinal.  The file names usually have
form xxDiiijjj.uuu; where the .uuu is the user number.  E.g. 010 is my
uuu (36 in decimal).

Eric Greisen

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