[daip] Re: UVCON -- Apple

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Tue May 30 10:25:32 EDT 2006

Hans-Rainer Kloeckner writes:
 > I tried to run UVCON on my apple (have installed AIPS from source and 
 > use daily update) and the task crashed with
 > and no output file has been created.
 > I guess that is related to my apple or ? Do you have an idea to 
 > fix/help me, that would be great.

What sort ao Apple is it - an IBMPPC or an Intel?  For the former we
have a binary version that works much better than the GNU compiler
output does.  We will soon have an Intel binary as well using the good
Intel compiler.

That said, UVCON has many complicated inputs and there are hundreds of
ways to get the whole thing wrong and I suspect that UVCON does not
defend itself well.  Our expert on UVCON is in Russia for a couple of
weeks and I am of little use.  Do send us the inputs to the task.

Is there a linux box (e.g. Katherine's ceardach) on which you could
test things?

Eric Greisen

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