[daip] edge channel drops

Lynn D. Matthews lmatthew at cfa.harvard.edu
Mon Jun 19 10:17:46 EDT 2006

I have computed a bandpass calibration for some VLBA data with BPASS using
autocorrelation data.

There are solutions in the BP table for all channels, but when I apply the
BP table to the data, two edge channels on both sides of the band
"disappear"---i.e., they now have zero visibilities.

Does this have to do with the weights assigned to these channels in the BP
table/some threshold used by DOBAND? Even though these edge channels
are of little use scientifically, on a practical level it is a nuisance
to have image cubes with channel numbering different from the uv
data---plus, I'd just like to understand what's happening with the data.

Lynn Matthews

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