[daip] UVPLT labels don't distinguish between "ante -14, 0" and "ante 14, 0"

Michael Rupen mrupen at aoc.nrao.edu
Fri Jan 13 13:28:34 EST 2006

Dear DAIP,

   UVPLT (31DEC06 on mithril [laptop] last updated yesterday) labels plots
"ANTE 14-0" whether the plots are "ante 14,0" (all antennas with 14) or
"ante -14,0" (all antennas EXCEPT 14).  It's clearly plotting the right thing, 
so this is just a labelling bug.  I noticed this while comparing EVLA with VLA
antennas, ant. 14 being an EVLA retrofit.  Inputs for the ante -14,0 case 
given below; I can send you the file but doubt that's relevant.  I get similar
results with DOTV 1 and DOTV -1.



> inp
AIPS 1: UVPLT     Plots data from a u,v data base: multi-channel version
AIPS 1: Adverbs     Values                 Comments
AIPS 1: ----------------------------------------------------------------
AIPS 1: USERID        0                    Data base owner number
AIPS 1: INNAME     '20060108'              Input UV file name (name)
AIPS 1: INCLASS    'C BAND'                Input UV file name (class)
AIPS 1: INSEQ         2                    Input UV file name (seq. #)
AIPS 1: INDISK        1                    Input UV file disk unit #
AIPS 1: SOURCES    *all ' '                Sources to plot, ' '=>all.
AIPS 1: QUAL         -1                    Qualifier -1=>all
AIPS 1: CALCODE    '*'                     Calibrator code '    '=>all
AIPS 1: STOKES     'RR'                    Stokes type to select.
AIPS 1: SELBAND      -1                    Bandwidth to select (kHz)
AIPS 1: SELFREQ      -1                    Frequency to select (MHz)
AIPS 1: FREQID       -1                    Freq. ID to select.
AIPS 1: TIMERANG   *all 0                  Time range to select
AIPS 1: ANTENNAS    -14        *rest 0     Antennas to plot
AIPS 1: BASELINE   *all 0                  Baselines with ANTENNAS
AIPS 1: UVRANGE       0           0        UV range in kilolambda.
AIPS 1: SUBARRAY      0                    Subarray, 0 => all
AIPS 1: BCHAN         1                    1st spectral channel #
AIPS 1: ECHAN         0                    Last spectral channel #
AIPS 1: CHINC         1                    Increment in channel #
AIPS 1: BIF           0                    Low IF number to plot
AIPS 1: EIF           0                    Highest IF number to plot
AIPS 1: DOCALIB      -1                    If >0 calibrate data
AIPS 1:                                    = 2 calibrate weights
AIPS 1: GAINUSE       0                    CAL (CL or SN) table to apply
AIPS 1: DOPOL        -1                    If >0 correct polarization.
AIPS 1: BLVER        -1                    BL table to apply.
AIPS 1: FLAGVER      -1                    Flag table version
AIPS 1: DOBAND       -1                    If >0 apply bandpass cal.
AIPS 1:                                    Method used depends on value
AIPS 1:                                    of DOBAND (see HELP file).
AIPS 1: BPVER        -1                    Bandpass table version
AIPS 1: SMOOTH     *all 0                  Smoothing function. See
AIPS 1:                                    HELP SMOOTH for details.
AIPS 1: XINC          1                    Plot every XINC'th visibility
AIPS 1:                                    0 => 1.
AIPS 1: BPARM         9          10        Control parameters
AIPS 1:               2        *rest 0     1 : X-axis type 0=>UV dist
AIPS 1:                                    2 : Y-axis type 0=>Ampl
AIPS 1:                                        1=> amplitude (Jy)
AIPS 1:                                        2=> phase (degrees)
AIPS 1:                                        3=> uv dist. (klambda)
AIPS 1:                                        4=> uv p.a. (deg N->E)
AIPS 1:                                        5=> time (IAT days)
AIPS 1:                                        6=> u (klambda)
AIPS 1:                                        7=> v (klambda)
AIPS 1:                                        8=> w (klambda)
AIPS 1:                                        9=> Re(Vis) (Jy)
AIPS 1:                                        10=> Im(Vis) (Jy)
AIPS 1:                                        11=> time (IAT hours)
AIPS 1:                                        12=> log(ampl)
AIPS 1:                                        13=> weight
AIPS 1:                                        14=> HA (hours)
AIPS 1:                                        15=> elevation (deg)
AIPS 1:                                        16=> parallactic angle
AIPS 1:                                        17=> uv dist. (klambda)
AIPS 1:                                             along p.a.
AIPS 1:                                        18=> azimuth (deg)
AIPS 1:                                    3 : > 0.0 => fixed scale
AIPS 1:                                        < 0.0 => fixed range
AIPS 1:                                    4 : Xmin (fixed scale)
AIPS 1:                                    5 : Xmax (fixed scale)
AIPS 1:                                    6 : Ymin (fixed scale)
AIPS 1:                                    7 : Ymax (fixed scale)
AIPS 1:                                    8 : Number of bins in plot.
AIPS 1:                                    9 : > 0 => list bin values.
AIPS 1:                                    10: > 0 => plot auto-corr too
AIPS 1:                                    BPARM=6,7,2,0 generates
AIPS 1:                                     square UV coverage plots
AIPS 1: DOWEIGHT      1                    > 0 use weights in binning
AIPS 1: REFANT        0                    > 0 => use REFANT for plot
AIPS 1:                                    types 14, 15, 16
AIPS 1: ROTATE        0                    uv p.a. for projection
AIPS 1:                                    (deg N->E); type 17 only
AIPS 1: FACTOR       0.01                  Scale dots by FACTOR
AIPS 1:                                    < 0 => connect dots too
AIPS 1: DO3COL        1                    > 0 use 3-color to separate
AIPS 1:                                    channels and IFs.
AIPS 1: LTYPE         3                    Type of labeling: 1 border,
AIPS 1:                                    2 no ticks, 3 - 6 standard,
AIPS 1:                                    7 - 10 only tick labels
AIPS 1:                                    <0 -> no date/time
AIPS 1: BADDISK    *all 0                  Disk to avoid for scratch.
AIPS 1: DOTV         -1                    > 0 Do plot on the TV, else
AIPS 1:                                    make a plot file
AIPS 1: GRCHAN        0                    Graphics channel 0 => 1.

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