[daip] Re: G77 and ifort

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Wed Feb 22 11:37:24 EST 2006

Walter Alef writes:

 > I need to compile some private AIPS task. The problem is we don't have the 
 > Intel Fortran compiler here. Is there a way to use g77 and link with the AIPS 
 > libraries which need the Intel libraries? I tried a couple of things that did 
 > not work. Compiling with g77 was possible when I used local copies of FC and 
 > FDEFAULTS. The same trick did not work for loading. Thanks in advance!
 > I guess on the long run we have to buy an Intel license.

We could go back to locally compiled code instead of binary.  But the
Intel is about 30% faster on PIVs and 7% faster on AMDs.  Otherwise
there is a problem with local code.


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