[daip] Frequency coordinates(31DEC05 vs 31DEC04)

Neeraj Gupta neeraj at ncra.tifr.res.in
Wed Feb 15 08:15:30 EST 2006

Dear Eric,

     Thanks a lot for the help.  But I am sorry, I wouldn't be able to look 
into the stuff immediately as trying to catch up with a few deadlines till 
Friday.  However, I am going to telescope site for three days starting 
from Friday.  I will have ample time there to look into the stuff and will 
get back to you then.



Neeraj Gupta                       Phone : 91-20-25697107,25691384
NCRA (TIFR),                               office extn. 253
University of Pune Campus, 
Ganeshkhind,                       email : neeraj at ncra.tifr.res.in 
Pune - 411 007

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