[daip] 31DEC06 LINUX midnite job (dave, 20060811.034344)

aipsmgr at nrao.edu aipsmgr at nrao.edu
Thu Aug 10 23:44:58 EDT 2006

dave update report for 31DEC06 on Fri Aug 11 03:44:58 UTC 2006 (UT)

Copies and compiles:

AIPSUPD - Using CVS for copying files.
UPDCVS - cvs update of 31DEC06 completed
UPDCVS - cvs update of TEXT completed
AIPSUPD - UPDCVS apparently worked


UPDCONTROL - Everything seems in order


10-AUG-2006 23:02:29 20060810 TST APLSUB   ISCALE.FOR    egreisen
10-AUG-2006 23:02:30 20060810 TST YSUB     GSCALE.FOR    egreisen
10-AUG-2006 23:02:31 20060810 TST YSUB     TVALUE.FOR    egreisen

UPDCOMRPL: currently in /home/AIPS/31DEC06/LINUX/UPDATE


10-AUG-2006 23:09:09 20060810 TST AIPPGM   AIPS.FOR      egreisen
10-AUG-2006 23:06:07 20060810 TST APGNOT   RGBMP.FOR     egreisen
10-AUG-2006 23:09:07 20060810 TST APGOOP   PLAYR.FOR     egreisen
10-AUG-2006 23:08:45 20060810 TST YPGM     BLANK.FOR     egreisen
10-AUG-2006 23:08:47 20060810 TST YPGM     BLSUM.FOR     egreisen
10-AUG-2006 23:06:03 20060810 TST YPGM     KNTR.FOR      egreisen
10-AUG-2006 23:06:06 20060810 TST YPGM     PCNTR.FOR     egreisen
10-AUG-2006 23:06:01 20060810 TST YPGM     TVHUI.FOR     egreisen
10-AUG-2006 23:08:06 20060810 TST YPGM     TVRGB.FOR     egreisen

UPDCOMLNK: currently in /home/AIPS/31DEC06/LINUX/UPDATE

UPDCONTROL - Reasons for file updates on Fri Aug 11 03:44:01 UTC 2006 (UT)

10-AUG-2006 23:02:22 20060810 TST APLSUB   ISCALE.FOR    log is wrong ??
10-AUG-2006 23:02:23 20060810 TST YSUB     GSCALE.FOR    log scales wrong
10-AUG-2006 23:02:24 20060810 TST YSUB     TVALUE.FOR    log scales changed
10-AUG-2006 23:03:38 20060810 TST YSUB     GSCALE.FOR    typo
10-AUG-2006 23:04:27 20060810 TST APLSUB   ISCALE.FOR    typo
10-AUG-2006 23:05:47 20060810 TST YPGM     TVRGB.FOR     transfer functions
10-AUG-2006 23:05:48 20060810 TST YPGM     TVHUI.FOR     log scale very wrong
10-AUG-2006 23:05:49 20060810 TST YPGM     KNTR.FOR      added functy
10-AUG-2006 23:05:49 20060810 TST YPGM     PCNTR.FOR     added functy
10-AUG-2006 23:05:50 20060810 TST APGNOT   RGBMP.FOR     change log scale
10-AUG-2006 23:07:58 20060810 TST YPGM     TVRGB.FOR     typo
10-AUG-2006 23:10:41 20060810 TST HIST     CHANGE.DOC    tvrgb et al
10-AUG-2006 23:11:26 20060810 TST HLPFIL   HLPTVRGB.HLP  new options
10-AUG-2006 23:11:27 20060810 TST HLPFIL   HLPTVHUI.HLP  change log loads
10-AUG-2006 23:11:28 20060810 TST HLPFIL   TVRGB.HLP     outme
10-AUG-2006 23:11:30 20060810 TST HLPFIL   TVHUI.HLP     change log loads
10-AUG-2006 23:12:18 20060810 TST HLPFIL   COTVLOD.HLP   functype
10-AUG-2006 23:12:19 20060810 TST HLPFIL   FUNCTYPE.HLP  functype
10-AUG-2006 23:12:20 20060810 TST HLPFIL   TVALL.HLP     functype
10-AUG-2006 23:12:22 20060810 TST HLPFIL   TVLOD.HLP     functype
10-AUG-2006 23:12:23 20060810 TST HLPFIL   TVCUBE.HLP    functype
10-AUG-2006 23:12:24 20060810 TST HLPFIL   TVMOVIE.HLP   functype
10-AUG-2006 23:12:26 20060810 TST HLPFIL   TVROAM.HLP    functype
10-AUG-2006 23:16:48 20060810 TST HLPFIL   GREYS.HLP     functype
10-AUG-2006 23:16:49 20060810 TST HLPFIL   KNTR.HLP      functype
10-AUG-2006 23:16:50 20060810 TST HLPFIL   PCNTR.HLP     functype
10-AUG-2006 23:16:51 20060810 TST HLPFIL   PLAYR.HLP     functype
10-AUG-2006 23:16:52 20060810 TST HLPFIL   RGBMP.HLP     functype
11-AUG-2006 00:23:24 20060811 TST RUNSYS   VLBAUTIL.001  S/X in FIX
11-AUG-2006 00:23:32 20060811 TST RUNSYS   VLBAARCH.001  S/X in FIX
11-AUG-2006 00:23:43 20060811 TST HIST     CHANGE.DOC    S/X in FIX

CHANGE.DOC entries:

12154.  August 10, 2006        TV load functions            Eric
        The LG, NG function used was very extreme (LOG (1 + 6500*X))
        with X between 0 and 1.  A value of 9 is very pleasing and 99
        is extreme enough.  Changed
        ISCALE    To use 9 with LG, NG or 99 with L2, N2 codes
        GSCALE    To use 9 with LG, NG or 99 with L2, N2 codes
        TVALUE    To use 9 with LG/NG, 99 with L2/N2 codes
        PCNTR     Added L2 and N2 to allowed function types.
        KNTR      Added L2 and N2 to allowed function types.
        TVRGB     Added menu items to switch from linear, to square
                  root, to the new LG to L2 to linear in each color.
                  Changed output routine to honor the functions as
        TVHUI     Modified LOG/SQ transfer menu item to change order
                  and add stronger log function.  Changed the log
                  functions from 65000 (!!) to 9 and 99.
        RGBMP     Added L2 function and changed LG to 9 instead of
        Help files:
        TVRGB     mention new options
        HLPTVRGB  run-time help for each
        TVHUI     change the description of transfer functions
        HLPTVHUI  run-time help reworded and new option added
        RGBMP     changed mathematical descriptions, added L2
        FUNCTYPE  added math and new L2 N2 codes
        TVLOD     added L2/N2 - also helps for COTVLOD, TVALL, TVCUBE,
                  TVMOVIE, and TVROAM.
        Moved nowhere.

12155.  August 10, 2006        S/X split in procedures      Lorant
        Changed VLBAARCH and VLBAUTIL (ie VLBAFQS and VLBAFIX) to check
        full tunable range of frequencies instead of nominal frequencies
        so projects observing outside the default band get recognized
        and split in separate S and X as usual. (90/50 was set fine).
        Moved nowhere.


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